среда, 26 сентября 2012 г.

25 Heart-Wrenching Quotes For When It's Time To Walk Away (For Good)

25 Heart-Wrenching Quotes For When It's Time To Walk Away (For Good)
Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up
Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up

You got this.

There are so many different relationships that we form with people in our lives. There are the ones we have with our family, our friends, our coworkers and our neighbors.

But the relationship that has the greatest impact in your life is the relationship you have with the person you choose to love.

Love is the greatest — and the most painful — force on earth. A good love makes your heart soar, fills your stomach with butterflies and fills your head with pictures of a future together, but a bad love can leave you broken and wishing you'd never known them in the first place.

The Odyssey

What’s worse is that we don’t always know when the person we love is actually bad for us. Sometimes we think that’s just how love is supposed to be. Or maybe "you are accepting the love you think you deserve," as author Stephen Chbosky once said.

Whatever the case, no one — and I mean NO ONE — deserves to be treated like crap. We all deserve to have someone in our life that will love and respect us ... no matter what.

In a perfect world, we’d all have and know only that kind of love all the time — but we don’t live in a perfect world. So sometimes we fall in love with someone who does more harm than good. When that happens, no one can tell us that we need to walk away. We have to figure that part out on our own.

And when we finally find the strength to do that, it’s hard to see how badly they treated us.

So when the going gets tough and you feel stuck in a love that isn't working anymore, here are 25 quotes that understand how devastating (or even liberating) it can be when you realize it’s time to walk away.

If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious friendship truths, we've got you covered.

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>It takes two committed people to make a relationship work.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Don't ever care about someone who couldn't care less about you.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>You deserve to have someone who loves and respects you.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>This is NOT how love should make you feel.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>NEVER blame or hate yourself for something you wanted at the time.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Know your limit.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Just because one person disappointed you, doesn't mean all the rest will.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>You should always feel like the other person appreciates you.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Don't ever let someone make you feel like you're second rate.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Actions speak louder than words.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Who better to trust than yourself?</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>It's a fine line, but make sure you know when you've crossed it.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>If you can't trust the person you love, why stay?</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Don't ever let someone keep you from happiness.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>You have to take care of yourself.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Not every apology deserves forgiveness.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Even love has its limits.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>I can definitely live without you.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Not everyone will deserve your love.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Fool me once shame on you.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>People who cause you pain have no buisiness being a part of your life.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>You DO deserve better.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Listen to your gut when it tells you to run.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>If they don't have the time to spare for you, why stay?</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>Your wellbeing should always matter to the other person.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>There's a fine line between someone needing you and someone using you.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>You matter. You are important.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>There's only so many times you can forgive a person.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>If you can't be honest with your feelings, you can't have a healthy relationship.</strong>

Sad Quotes When You Need To Break Up Your Relationship
<strong>You'll be so much happier once you find the strength to leave.</strong>

Original article and pictures take www.yourtango.com site

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