понедельник, 6 мая 2013 г.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup

We all have difficulty getting over someone. It is hard to move on after a serious relationship, these moving on quotes can help you leave the past behind you.

Moving on isn’t easy. People who never experienced love would say well put the past behind you and move on. But people who have been betrayed by the love of their life know how painful it is to forget someone you loved so much who you imagined your future with. Moving on will take a lot of time and our collection of moving on quotes can help you through the process.

The most common reason why you can’t move on is that you keep idealizing your ex as the one and hoping someday your ex will realize their mistake and come back to you. And you’re also afraid that you will never meet someone like them. Such thoughts are not good for your mental health.

If you have finally gathered the courage to move on from your past and to fall in love again, here are some of the best moving on quotes to help you on your journey.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
“Forgiving you is my gift to you. Moving on is my gift to myself”

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
I think part of the reason why we hold on to something so tight is that we fear something so great won’t happen twice.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. – Paulo Coelho

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck. – Dalai Lama

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
“How much of human life is lost in waiting.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
The wrong people always teach you the right life lessons.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
If life can remove someone you never dreamed of losing, it can replace them with someone you never dreamt of having.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Mate, if you choose to lock your heart away, you lose it forever. – Jack Sparrow

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
The lessons we learn from pain will always make us the strongest.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
You can’t start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
“I missed you until I realized there was never really anything to miss but the peace I felt before I knew you…” – r.h. Sin

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
The poison leaves bit by bit, not all at once. Be patient. You are healing. – Yasmin Mogahed

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
No matter how much you revisit the past there is nothing new there to see.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Sometimes, we survive by forgetting.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Don’t let the heart that didn’t love you, keep you from the one that will.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together – Marilyn Monroe

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
At some point, you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
When you can tell your story and it doesn’t make you cry, that’s when you know you’ve healed.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
The storm will pass. Your heart and mind will settle.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
See, when you really care about someone, you never actually get over it. But you learn from it and you deal with it, and life goes on.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
We mature with the damage, not with the years.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Sometimes the person you want most is the person you’re best without.

Sometimes you have to walk away from what you want to find what you deserve.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Never regret being a good person to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about you, and their behavior says enough about them.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
“You know you’re on the right track when you become uninterested in looking back.”

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Sometimes you have to forget what you feel and remember what you deserve.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
When looking back doesn’t interest you anymore, you’re doing something right.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
You don’t need closure. You just need to give yourself permission to move on. – Steve Harvey

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
What’s coming is better than what’s gone.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
A relit cigarette never tastes the same and that’s all I’ll preach on rekindling old flames.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
It’s important to first get healing in your heart before getting involved in a new relationship.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Whatever you do, never run back to what broke you – Frank Ocean

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Stop checking on people that are not checking on you.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Without rain nothing grows, learn to embrace the storms of your life.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
The first step to getting what you want is having the courage to get rid of what you don’t.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
That broken thing you keep trying to put back together can’t even compare with that beautiful thing that’s waiting to be built.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end – Robin Sharma

Instead of wiping away your tears, wipe away the people who created them.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. – Socrates

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
We have to be whole people to find whole love – Cheryl Strayed

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Things end, People change. And you know what? Life goes on.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Do more things that make you forget to check your phone

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them… But still move on without them. – Mandy Hale

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Sometimes the best revenge is just a simple smile, to let them know you’re doing just fine.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
If you suffer it is because of you, if you feel blissful it is because of you nobody else is responsible – only you and you alone. You are your hell and your heaven too. – OSHO

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
I learned that every cell in our entire body is destroyed and replaced every seven years. How comforting it is to know one day I will have a body you will have never touched.

50 Moving on Quotes to Help You Move on After a Breakup
Sometimes you just have to erase the messages, delete the numbers and move on. You don’t have to forget who that person was to you; only accept that they aren’t that person anymore.

There is no point in crying over a person who doesn’t know the value of your tears. And you might also like our collection of break up quotes, broken heart quotes, and letting go quotes.

Original article and pictures take thelovebits-l5vp8hbq8.netdna-ssl.com site

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