четверг, 13 апреля 2017 г.

These 18 Quotes Will Help You Finally Dump His Sorry A$$

These 18 Quotes Will Help You Finally Dump His Sorry A$$
inspirational relationship quotes
inspirational relationship quotes

It's hard, but it will be worth it!

Good communication, great chemistry, and a lot of hard work and dedication are often enough to make love last … but not always. Sometimes relationships just aren’t meant to work out, no matter how much you wish they would. It’s sad, but true.

Dealing with that particularly harsh reality of life is hard enough on its own, but knowing that your relationship is doomed mostly because the one you love refuses to treat you right is just downright soul-crushing.

You can’t help but wonder if things would be different if your partner could only see the good things in your relationship instead of the bad, or if you two wanted more of the same things out of life, and on and on and on. Don’t let yourself get sucked into that endless cycle of “what ifs.”

Here’s the brutally honest truth: Things are not going to change, and they never will. The sooner you can accept that and move on, the better your life will become, we promise.

It’s hard, but try not to worry or freak yourself out. Yes, this is a big change, but it will absolutely, 100 percent be worth it in the end.

You WILL move on. You WILL find someone better. And when you do, you will be so happy that you made the tough choice to leave a bad relationship, even when it felt like the most difficult thing you’d ever have to do.

If you’re still in a place where that all seems totally impossible, we completely understand and we have the perfect quotes for you. These no-nonsense quotes will help you get yourself in the right mindset so you can finally ditch that terrible relationship for good and move on with your life.

Don’t wait any longer! You deserve SO much better.

Original article and pictures take www.yourtango.com site

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