вторник, 25 декабря 2012 г.

30 Quotes For When You Want To Say A Big “F-YOU” To Your Scumbag Ex

30 Quotes For When You Want To Say A Big “F-YOU” To Your Scumbag Ex
break up quotes
break up quotes

Tell your ex where he can shove it.

Breaking up with someone can make you pretty freaking bitter. For the longest time, you thought the two of you were totally great together; your friends were always talking about how perfect you guys were, you spent all of your weekends with each other, and you even did all that cute (and gross) couple stuff together.

Now, you are crying alone in your room and trying not to call him back for the fiftieth time in a row (seriously, stop doing that. You deserve way, WAY better).

So, what is his deal? You're obviously the greatest thing since push-up bras were invented and yet, he wants nothing to do with you.

Or worse, he broke your heart into a million little pieces by doing something unforgivable.

Most of us would stay on the floor and cry for the next month, but not YOU. You're STRONGER than that.

After a few hours of stalking his Twitter page and trying not to cry at his new relationship status on Facebook, you're ready to show him you don't care anymore (for REAL this time).

So, you call up your girlfriends and tell them you're single and ready to mingle. You might like going to your favorite nightclub and dancing your ass off. Maybe your brand of fun is all about showing off that new bikini at the beach. And who cares if your style is just grabbing a bottle of wine and laughing the night away as you prank people on Tinder.

Whatever you do to get over your ex, one thing is the same: it involves a lot of alcohol and a lot of flirting with someone new. And, of course, sending a big FUCK YOU to your ex.

Why? Because he totally deserves it. And like these break up quotes, those two words sum up exactly what you want to say to him after a break up.

If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious relationship truths, we've got you covered.

Original article and pictures take www.yourtango.com site

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