понедельник, 14 января 2013 г.

30 Quotes To Help You Cope When You Need To Break Up With A Toxic Friend

30 Quotes To Help You Cope When You Need To Break Up With A Toxic Friend

Breaking up with a friend is sometimes even harder than with a romantic partner.

I never thought about how painful it would be. The moment I realized that my best friend was actually not my best friend anymore.

I didn’t want to believe that we had grown apart — to think about that fact that we hadn’t seen each other in months.

I didn’t want to believe that my best friend all throughout high school no longer cared about coming to visit me or was interested in making plans to go to concerts or movies or do any of the things we used to enjoy doing together.

I didn’t want to believe that she hadn’t asked me once in the last month how I was doing. But it was true, I was just no longer a priority to her anymore.

Strong friendships are very important to our well being, and way more than we might realize. No one wants to feel like they’re alone, and that’s a feeling I’ve become way too familiar with after my friendship breakup.

When I was in high school. I hung out with the same girl all the time. She was everything I could ask for in a friend, and I thought our friendship was just as valuable to her as it was to me.

However, when we graduated things just started to change.

We both went to different colleges, and I started dating my boyfriend. I didn’t think it would matter at first because I wanted to believe that our friendship would always be strong.

Little did I realize how much effort it takes to actually keep a friendship going nowadays, and how exhausting it would become to be the only one making an effort.

I hung onto this friendship for 2 years after I realized it was dissolving. I would text her even though I didn’t expect her to text back, and I would try to make plans even though I knew her response would be “sorry, I’m busy.”

If you want to keep your friendships after high school, you have to push pretty damn hard. But why is that? Is it because people are too self-absorbed, or are people just too lazy to go the distance? Whatever the case is, I’m starting to lose a lot of hope in finding true friends.

And if you want to have genuine friendships, you have to let go of the ones that aren’t healthy anymore. If someone wants to see you, they’ll come see you. If someone wants to talk to you, they’ll return your calls.

No one is too busy for their friends, and if someone says they are, then they’re not worth keeping around.

So if you’re having a hard time letting go of a broken friendship, or are questioning the quality of the friends you already have, here are 30 quotes that will encourage you to surround yourself with real, genuine people and heal from a friendship breakup.

If you're searching for the best quotes and memes to share with the people you love (or just want to feel inspired yourself) ... look no further! From the sweetest love quotes, inspirational sayings, and hilarious friendship truths, we've got you covered.

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Only true friends can interpret your silence

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Real friends will want to catch up with you

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
You have to look at the friendship for what it really is

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Amen to that

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
You're not obligated to stay friends with anyone you don't want to

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Surround yourself with friends who honor and respect you

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
True friends WANT to be there for you

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Some people are only meant to be in your life temporarily

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
True friendship knows no distance

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Make new friends, but keep the old

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
One of the most realest things I've ever heard

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
No ones want to feel forgotten about

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
This is real test of true friendship

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Don't forget to be your own friend

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
You can go from friends to strangers with someone way too quickly

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Friends are supposed to help make you a better person

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
This is important

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Let time change things for the BETTER

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
True friends won't let you suffer alone

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
The choice is up to you

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Sometimes it just ends up that way

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
True friendship goes both ways

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
You should be spending your energy on more genuine relationships

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
It still hurts me

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
One of the hardest things in LIFE

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
This is for the best, trust me

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Give your time to the things that make you happy, not the things that don't

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Real friendship isn't about how often you see each other

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
Sometimes the memories are all you need

Break Up Quotes Toxic Friendship
I feel this on so many levels

Funny Quotes Preach
Funny Quotes Preach

Original article and pictures take www.yourtango.com site

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